Are you tracking the SEC letters that matter?
Plus, track AI hype and get beta access to the Co-Analyst
Tune into CNBC’s Fast Money on Thursday, Nov 7th, at 5PM ET. We are big fans of Melissa Lee and our CEO Kris Bennatti. And you’ll be able to see them together on live TV this week.
Coming soon: Reliable finance-specific generative AI from the Hudson Labs research team.
We have been pushing the boundaries of financial AI research and development since our founding in 2019. Our CTO wrote the book on "Designing LLM Applications" and his expertise is apparent in our upcoming product, the Hudson Labs Co-Analyst. Subscribers will qualify for beta access starting in December.
SEC correspondence that matters
Every week, we highlight high impact SEC commentary that can lead to price-moving changes in upcoming disclosure including new related party details, KPI reporting recalls, corrective statements, and more. Last month, we flagged Celsius’s CELH 0.00%↑ upcoming disclosure detailing their relationship with Pepsi which they had previously argued was “competitively sensitive” information. Plus, upcoming changes to Enovix’s ENVX 0.00%↑ segment disclosure and the removal of specific KPI reporting from Workday’s WDAY 0.00%↑ communications.
AI hype tracker
Track which companies refer to AI the most and which companies’ AI mentions increased the most over the years. Subscribe now to access the full dataset.
Among the top 100 companies mentioning AI, the only three non-tech companies were RDNT 0.00%↑ , COUR 0.00%↑, and DLR 0.00%↑
ASAN 0.00%↑ and HCKT 0.00%↑ went from no AI-related mentions in 2022 to being in the 98th percentile and above for AI-related mentions in 2024
Two healthcare firms, CDNA 0.00%↑ and LNTH 0.00%↑ , have gone the other way and been quiet on the AI front recently.
ICYMI, our work was highlighted by the WSJ, Forbes, and Bloomberg
Forbes covered our flag of Super Micro Computer’s related party risk and possible round-tripping type transactions - AI Spotted Super Micro Risks Two Years Before Filing Fiasco
WSJ highlighted our analysis of our proprietary internal control weakness data related to insufficient accounting personnel - Not Enough Accountants? The CFO’s Tenure Might Get a Little Shakier
Bloomberg interviewed our CEO on the correlation between auditor turnover and other financial reporting red flags - Auditor-Hopping Is Rare, but 13 Small Companies Defy the Trend
Have any questions about the updates or want a refresher on the Hudson Labs platform? Book a time with Julia here.